Corals at the Point of No Return?

Dr Anjani Ganase, coral reef ecologist, writes about the devastating bleaching taking place on all reefs around Tobago As the boat cruised along the coast, the water is clear enough to see the white glow from the reef below. Reef after reef, from the Buccoo Marine Park to Speyside, the white patches are expansive and jarring, some large enough to surround the boat. Rolling back into water way too warm for Christmas season, I saw that what I was dreading become reality. Reefs that were once vibrant with colour looked like snow-capped mountains. Most were bone white, exposing the skeletons, while a few were sickly and pale. Throughout my career, I have seen many thriving and healthy reefs. I have also seen many dead coral reefs, barren and devoid of life, in the aftermath of cyclones, dynamite fishing and other mass mortality events. To see corals dying on the reefs around our home islands is beyond tragic. I wonder if all of the Northern Range burned in a single y...