Green Spaces in the City
Joanne Husain points out the value of parks in cities and communities. Natural spaces should be planned in urban developments, and maintained for trees and birds as well as for human health and well-being. (Photos by Joanne Husain) Urban parks are oases of green amid concrete landscapes. Tucked into bustling cities and densely populated neighbourhoods, these are designated spaces for recreation. An urban park is a mediated form of nature with purposeful landscaping bridging the urban and the untamed. The aesthetics of the space is important, providing visual relief from the mass of manmade structures. Typically, these parks feature walking paths through landscaped gardens with an assortment of flowering shrubs and shady trees, with playing fields and scenic open areas. Think of our Botanical Gardens and the Savannah, and hope that they continue to be maintained for the trees: a place to find respite from the high octane life in the city. Nature is the source...