An Archipelago in the Pacific
Joanne Husain takes us with her to the Solomon Islands on the other side of the world. (All photos courtesy Joanne Husain) The Solomon Islands, simply referred to as the Solomons, is an independent multi-island nation in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Situated east of Papua New Guinea and north of Australia, curving along the infamous Ring of Fire, the Solomons form a remote archipelago ranging from mountainous islands to low-lying coral atolls. There are 992 islands in total; only about 90 are inhabited. Just over 700,000 people call the Solomons home. The main island is Guadalcanal with Honiara as the country’s capital. The Melanesian, Polynesian, and Micronesian roots of the population are reflected in everything from traditional dress and cuisine to the intricate art of wood carving. Over 60 different local languages and dialects are spoken with English as the country’s official language. Solomon Islands pijin , however, is the lingua franca, not only spoken b...