Coral Reefs and Sea Bird Allies
Dr Anjani Ganase, coral reef ecologist, discusses studies that show the land and sea relationships affecting coral reefs Mapping coral reefs Coral reef research has expanded our understanding of coral reefs, their distribution and the extent of biodiversity that utilises the reef habitats. However, the more we discover, it also reveals just how vulnerable these ecosystems are and how much more we need to do to protect them. New satellite technology is revealing more coral reefs to us than ever before. Scientists from the University of Queensland, Australia have been able to map over 348,000 km 2 of shallow coral reefs around the world. This is an area that includes reefs that extend to depths of 30 m. This new map has also identified at least 80,000 km 2 of potential hard bottom habitats, suitable for coral establishment. This global map is an incredibly useful tool for research, management and conservation. Beyond 30 m down, understanding th...