12 Creatures on Buccoo Reef to cherish all year round

In observance of the season of celebration and thanksgiving, Jahson Alemu shares 12 creatures special to Buccoo Reef that we should cherish and protect. Make a note for 2017 to appreciate the marine environment that surrounds Trinidad and Tobago. Without it, we are rocks in the ocean, black dots on the map. Follow Jahson on twitter: jahson_alemu Christmas is in the air. The smell of pastelles, black cake, ham and all sorts of seasonal goodies tantalise our taste buds. From simple to intricate lights adorn houses; and like moths drawn to a flame, paranderos flitter from house to house to spread joy, serenade and wish us well for the season. In the spirit of the season, here is a Christmas tribute to some of the creatures that add vibrancy, wonder, colour and life to our Buccoo Reef. Red Cushion Starfish, photo courtesy Jahson Alemu On the first day of Christmas, My true love gave to me, One Red Cushion Starfish (Oreaster reticulatus). Two French Angelfish, photo co...